Sex Trafficking and HIV

Victims of HIV
The Ryan White Program
Provides care and support services to victims of HIV, and functions as the “payer of last resort" by filling the gaps for those who have no other source of coverage.
For the LGBTQ Community
Let’s Talk About It: A Transgender Survivor’s Guide to Accessing Therapy
A thorough guide for transgender survivors of sexual assault. This guide provides information on assessing the right kind of treatment/therapy for victims, how to deal with anxiety and PTSD, and more.
Love is Respect Hotline
A hotline for young adults, friends, family, teachers, counselors, and more to ask questions about dating relationships. Love Is Respect works to promote healthy relationships among young adults.
1-866-331-99474 or text “loveis” to 22522
The Anti-Violence Project
The AVP offers free and confidential assistance to the LGBTQ and HIV affected communities in New York.
GLBT National Help Center
The GLBT National Help Center offers free, one-on-one peer support for those in the LGBTQ community, through their hotline and online peer-support chat.
GLBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-PRIDE
Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project Hotline
This 24 hour hotline provides crisis intervention, support, and resources for victims of domestic abuse.
The FORGE Organization is transgender-focused, working with survivors of sexual assault, and offering a vast array of publications, toolkits, recorded webinars and more on their website
Northwest Network
The NW Network works to promote the safety of the LGBTQ community, and offers services for LGBTQ survivors of abuse.
For Youth
Advocates for Youth
Assists state and local education agencies to help increase adolescent access to preventive sexual health services.
Healthy Teen Network
Works to deliver sexual health education to teens, emphasizing HIV/STD prevention.
For Victims of Domestic Abuse
National Sexual Assault Hotline
A confidential hotline and a 24/7 online chat for victims of sexual assault that offers support in finding local health facilities, assists in the next steps towards healing and recovery, finding referrals for long term support in one’s area, information about medical concerns, and more.
Online Chat: https://ohl.rainn.org/online/